Please note that Essex County Council will no longer invite parents to apply for a school place. It is the responsibility of parents to apply at the correct times.
All admissions to join our reception class in September are coordinated through the Local Authority. The window for application for the academic year 2024/5 opens on January 15th 2024.
Our Admission Policies and Supplementary Information Form
Infant Class Size Appeals
This applies to our Reception Class, which is limited to 19 children and our Year 1/2 Class, which is limited to 30 chidren.
An appeal can only succeed if:
- admitting an extra child would not breach the class size limit
- your child would have been offered a place if the admissions arrangements had complied with admissions law or were correctly or impartially applied
- the admission authorities decision to refuse a place was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made in the circumstances of case
Appeal a decision
An appeal can be made through the following link:
If you are unable to appeal online, this is a link to a paper copy
The appeal hearing
You will be invited to present your case to the Statutory Appeal Panel which is made up of 3 people.
The appeal hearing lets:
- the admission authority explains why they have refused your application
- you explain to the panel why you think your child should be given a place at the school
After the appeal hearing
You will receieve a letter with the panel's decision within 5 school days, however, this may take longer durning the summer term. The decision is final and binding on all parties.
Appeals timetable
For children starting infant, junior or primary school from September 2024
Date What happens
April 16th 2024 National Offer Day - parents are informed of outcome of application
May 15th 2024 Deadline for submitting appeals
June 3rd to July 17th 2024 Appeals heard for those submitted by the deadline and where possible, for late appeals July 23rd 2024
September 2024 onwards appeals heard for any appeal not heard before July 23rd 2023
Full details can be found at Essex County Council
Contact the Statutory Appeals Team
Statutory Appeals Team
PO Box 11
Essex CM1 1LX
Mid-Year Applications
All mid-year applications should be made directly to All Saints Primary School, using the mid-year application form below.
Applications should be emailed to:
If you require a paper copy of the application form, please contact the school office on 01255 880315. Mid year appliations (sometimes callled in-year applications) are any application for a school place made to any year group, apart from September admissions to our reception class.
For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the admissions number for that year group.
If a place can be offered, it is expected that the child will start within 10 school days of the offer being made.
Please note: Applications for the start of the next academic year or the next term cannot be dealt with until the half term prior to half term prior to the requested admission date.
For example:
- An application for the Autumn Term (September) will not be accepted unil the preceeding summer half term holiday (May/June)
- An application for the Spring Term (January) will not be accepted until the preceding Autumn half term holiday (October)
- An application for Summer Term (April) will not be accepted until the preceding Spring half term (February)
Please note: if a mid-year application is received during a school holiday period, we will respond as soon as possible when the school reopens.
Where a place is not available, you can request that your child is put on a waiting list, which is held in accordance with the school's admissions criteria.
Please speak to the office if you have any questions about any of these processes