All Saints Church of England VA

Primary School

Aaron Battersby

Beaumont Road, Great Oakley, Harwich, Essex, CO12 5BA

01255 880315

Before and After School Care Provisions

Breakfast Club
The school runs a breakfast club from 8am until school starts at 8.45pm. The price for the session is £2 and includes a breakfast that is typically toast and/or cereal.
After School Club
The school has recently started an after school care provision. The club has 2 sessions:
3.15pm – 4.30pm £4
3.15pm – 5.45pm £6
Children receive a drink and a snack that will typically be a wrap and a cookie.
The ASC has a more definite structure and the children enjoy arts and crafts, movie sessions as well as ICT sessions.
Parents that use our before and after school clubs can pay by child care vouchers, both private and the new Government organised voucher system.
Please enquire at the office to make bookings or for more information about the voucher schemes.